Head of the Class Performance: Hobart Dishwasher Serving School Since 1965

March 11, 2021 by Hobart

Since 1965, Roncalli High School of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, has been preparing students for life – 5,118 graduates so far, and about 230 current students.

And since the first day of classes at Roncalli High, a Hobart C-81 conveyor-style dishwasher has been reliably washing students’ lunchware, 180 days a year, going on 56 years. Not to mention cleaning dishes to a sparkle after the school’s annual...

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School Saves Money & Helps the Environment by Switching to Reusables

May 05, 2020 by Hobart

Benjamin Franklin Elementary School in Glendale, California, struggles with many of the same challenges faced by schools across the country. One in particular is the waste produced from student meals. State mandates and parental expectations surrounding sustainability are putting pressure on school districts to look for environmentally friendly options to combat the amount of organic and solid...

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Writing Bids for Commercial Dishwashers

November 25, 2019 by Hobart

Making the case for your K-12 school

For any operation, purchasing something as big as a commercial dishwasher takes a lot of thought and preparation. But for public K-12 schools, the process is more involved than in some foodservice operations. As a government organization, the request has to go out for bid, rather than just getting a purchase order approved by a manager or CEO.

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