The number and size of K-12 kitchens focused on from-scatch cooking varies across the U.S., with some smaller, independently operated spaces citing more flexibility over their menus than larger schools whose production volume can match that of medium-sized chain restaurants.
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What’s the Best Mixer for Pizza Dough?
by Carolyn Bilger
When it comes to making pizza dough, the mixer you use is just as important as the ingredients you put in it. In fact, the right mixer can help you bring out the best in your recipe.
The Legacy+® HL662 Pizza Mixer is up for that challenge.
Getting the Most Out of Your Mixer
by Carolyn Bilger
Selecting the right mixer for the job is key. Different ingredients mix differently — and in a pizza restaurant, it may not always be dough that you’re mixing. Savory toppings like homemade sausage or sweets like cookies and cakes may also be a part of the menu.