Employee training and development is an important part of any independent restaurant — but it’s not always easy for chefs and owners to make it a priority. Keeping up with a fast-paced kitchen, managing business logistics and striving to meet customer expectations can become time-consuming, leaving few hours in the day to focus on extras.
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Q&A With Janet Duran – Chef and Owner of 550 Pizzeria
Pizza has always been Janet Duran’s favorite food — and she’s been determined to make it her living, too. A former employer encouraged her to write down all her ideas, confident she would one day have her own pizzeria. After three years of making pizzas from home to sell to friends and family, she made a name for herself and her pizza in the Laredo, Texas, community. That led to the opening of...
TechConnect: Improving Productivity of Service Calls
The goal for every restaurant operator is to have a reliable operation that keeps their kitchen running smoothly and efficiently. Equipment downtime can lead to kitchen disasters, customer complaints, and costly service calls. Hobart’s new TechConnect technology helps reduce service call time and cost by quickly identifying issues and solutions to get your equipment operating again.