In independent restaurants, time is at a premium. Between purchasing and inventory, menu planning, food prep and meal service, it can be taxing for kitchen staff to keep up with daily tasks. Regular and thorough cleaning, however, is non-negotiable — including food prep equipment.
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Gaining Labor Savings With Food Prep Equipment
In kitchens across the country, staffing continues to be a challenge for restaurants of all sizes — and owner operators are looking for creative solutions to do more with less. Some larger chain restaurants are turning to automation to help address labor constraints. This equipment can complete tasks ranging from making pizzas to flipping burgers and brewing coffee.
Whether it’s for equipment in an independent butcher shop or meat room in a retail grocery space, proper cleaning and sanitizing is imperative. First and most importantly, doing so reduces the risk of contamination and food borne illnesses. It can also improve equipment performance. The better care an operator takes during the cleaning process, the greater likelihood the equipment will last...