As the school year draws to a close and summer break starts, it's important to properly prepare your Hobart dishmachine for summertime shutdown. Taking the necessary steps will help maintain your commercial dishwasher’s performance and ensure a smooth restart when classes resume. Here's a checklist for your school dishroom staff to follow:
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Due to labor shortages, many K-12 kitchens struggle to provide from-scratch meals to students. Some of these kitchens also may not be designed with the equipment needed to properly support a scratch cooking model. However, there are grants and assistance programs available to support school districts with a move toward school menu planning that incorporates fresh fruits, vegetables and proteins.
Albany Unified School District Switch to Reusables with Grant Funding
In the spring of 2024, a new Hobart CLeN Ventless Conveyor Type Dishmachine was installed in the central kitchen of Albany Unified School District (AUSD) in California, thanks in part to grant funding from StopWaste, a public agency focused on reducing waste in Alameda County. The dishmachine allows the school district to switch from disposable to reusable ware, reducing the amount of waste being...