Preparing Your School Dishroom for Summer

May 15, 2024 by Hobart Dishroom

Schools, Dishwashing, K12

As the school year draws to a close and summer break starts, it's important to properly prepare your Hobart dishmachine for summertime shutdown. Taking the necessary steps will help maintain your commercial dishwasher’s performance and ensure a smooth restart when classes resume. Here's a checklist for your school dishroom staff to follow:


  • Turn off the disconnect switch to shut down the dish machine.
  • Remove and clean the curtains.
  • Spray down the interior of the machine.
  • Remove and clean the strainer pan(s) and scrap basket(s).
  • Completely drain the tank(s).
  • Remove and clean the upper and lower wash arms.
  • Remove and clean the overflow tube(s).
  • Spray and wipe down the tank interior.
  • Reassemble cleaned parts.
  • Wipe down the exterior of the machine.
  • Leave the machine doors open for proper ventilation and drying.

When it's time to return to operations after summer downtime, be sure to follow your school’s Standard Hobart-Dishroom-Operations-Guide_174x225Operating Procedures (SOP) for dishwashing to ensure operations move smoothly. Don't have a dishroom operations guide? Check out Hobart’s Dishroom Operations Guidebook, to help implement one for your schools dishroom.


As you prepare for summer break, prioritize the care and maintenance of your school's commercial dishwasher. Remember, proactive maintenance before break can help prevent costly repairs and downtime once school is back in session and helps your dishmachine deliver peak performance. 

Here's to a restful summer break, knowing that your school's dishmachine is in good hands! 😎

Learn More About Hobart Dishmachines


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